Looking for a reliable way to process credit cards at your small business? Total Payment Solutions offers merchants NRS systems to buy. NRS provides you with an easy-to-use inventory management system that includes barcode scanning.

NRS systems are trusted by merchants nationwide. Over 11,000 units are deployed, primarily at convenience stores and other quick retail operations. Why? These systems keep a close eye on your inventory, making the inventory process easier on you over time. Although these systems do take a while to implement at first, usually between 8 and 24 hours, Total Payment Solutions offers an inventory upload service to NRS buyers that simplifies the process and allows you to focus on your business.

Just because NRS is tried and true doesn’t mean it hasn’t kept up with the latest technology! The system is fully cloud-based, features an easy-to-use touch screen monitor, and has been designed to have a small carbon footprint. You can feel confident in both your system’s security and its environmental impact.

What It Includes

In addition to a touch screen cash register, your NRS system features multiple parts, including:

  • Credit card reader
  • Barcode scanner
  • Customer Facing Display
  • Cash drawer

If you need additional NRS accessories, just ask! We carry a full range of accessories to suit the needs of your business.

Got additional questions about whether NRS is right for your business?
Give us a call today to get started!